Pro Upgrade
- to Ultimate
// Pro Edition
Upgrade from
Pro to Ultimate
Your advantages compared to the currently used Enterprise Edition:
- Ultimate Edition offers full performance (4x performance index compared to Pro Edition)
- H.264 Processing up to 3840x2160 pixels (Pro up to 1920x1080 pixels)
- You can install go1984 as a service
- No software-based restriction on the number of simultaneous client accesses
- Automatic scene deletion based on scene age
- You will also receive all updates and services for one year. So an extension of updates and services is already included!
Pro Upgrade
- to Enterprise
// Pro Edition
Upgrade from
Pro to Enterprise
Your advantages compared to the currently used Enterprise Edition:
- Enterprise Edition offers significantly increased performance (2x performance index compared to Pro Edition)
- H.264 Processing up to 2688x1520 pixels (Pro up to 1920x1080 pixels)
- You can install go1984 as a service
- No software-based restriction on the number of simultaneous client accesses
- Automatic scene deletion based on scene age
- You will also receive all updates and services for one year. So an extension of updates and services is already included!
Pro Update
- for one more year
// Pro Edition
Updates and Services
for another year
Your advantages:
- The license extension gives you access to all available updates of your Pro Edition for one additional year and their unlimited use.
- You will receive free support for one additional year.
- You can use the Push Alert and DDNS services for another year. In addition, the SSL certificates from "Let's Encrypt" will continue to be renewed automatically.
Updates / upgrades can be purchased for versions where the subscription has not expired for more than three years.
In the subsequent ordering process, you also have the option of placing several updates and services in the shopping cart in order to extend your updates and services accordingly for several years.